Total Prevention - Reach for a higher level of living.
The Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine"A product that blends the ancient arts with modern technology for a unique experience"
"Healing From The Inside Out"
"One of the wonderful benefits of The Chi Machine® is that it allows the body to work effortlessly with its own natural frequencies. The 144 cycles per minute (oscillations), is both a multiple of the average pulse rate (72) and the cerebrospinal pump rhythm (12). Each person's body is influenced by the sum total of all the physical, emotional, mental and chemical forces that it is exposed to, and its ability to respond effectively to those forces." - Dr. Jan Kirschner D.C. "Chi Energy" "A session on the Chi Machine is usually 15 minutes in duration except during an acclimation period of several days during which the session length is gradually increased from a starting point of 3-5 minutes. During each session, your blood is oxygenated and you receive other benefits as described in the next section. When the session is over, the motion of the footrest ceases and there is an almost instantaneous movement of Chi from your feet to your head and then to your arms and hands. The feeling, described as a "strong tingling, suffusing the entire body" is quite exhilarating and lasts several minutes. With most users, the Chi flow is felt even at the end of the very first session of only 3-5 minutes -- which makes it a very easy device to demonstrate!" - Dr. Lipton M.D., FAAO Click here for the HSIN TEN Aerobic Exerciser: Lymphoedema Study Click here for more information about The Sun Ancon Chi Machine Click here for testimonials on the Chi Machine |
The Original Sun Ancon Chi MachineIf you have problems with: The Chi Machine does 3 things in 5 minutes: increases oxygen, energy and circulation
2 Year Warranty & 14 day Money Back Guarantee The Chi Machine is FDA regulated as a Class 1 Medical Device The Chi, Advanced E.R.E. and HotHouse Dome are certified and regulated by Health Canada as Class II Medical Devices |