Total Prevention - Reach for a higher level of living.

Detoxification Program

Colon Cleanse & detoxification kit BUY NOW - Only $145.00
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  • Cleans, lubricates, and soothes your colon during cleansing!
  • Breaks debris loose and scours your entire digestion system!
  • Supports the entire digestive system, including large and small intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, bladder, and kidneys!!
  • Supports a healthy immune system in the process of cleansing!
  • Rebuilds and supports functioning digestive system!
  • Cleanses arteries, veins, capillaries and blood vessels!
  • Cleanses lymph, glands and spleen!

The following is a brief description of what each herb in Total Prevention's Detoxification Program does in creating a most effective cleansing and rebuilding program. An important note is that while these herbs work moderately well by themselves, in specific combination with one another, their effectiveness is greatly enhanced.

Detoxification Program Ingredients

1. Intestinal Cleanse

Colon Cleanse & detoxification kit
Psyllium Seed: Adds bulk and is wonderful at softening, lubricating, and absorbing old, hardened fecal matter. Helps in cleansing and removing the putrefactive toxins. Stimulates normal muscular activity without cramps.

Bentonite Clay: It has been said that Bentonite clay can absorb 40 times its own weight. When taken with plenty of water, Bentonite can absorb a great deal of water and carry it to the colon. Coming in contact with old hardened fecal matter on a consistent basis will help soften and release it. The Bentonite will also absorb a great amount of waste and carry it out of the body. Bentonite is known for its highly absorptive properties, drawing out metals, drugs and toxins.

Cascara Sagrada: Causes the peristaltic muscles to activate, thus helping break loose the debris and pushing it out of the body. It stimulates secretions of the Liver, Pancreas, and Stomach, releasing bile. It also helps to build muscle tone of a sluggish bowel and is non habit-forming. Excellent remedy for gallstones.

Garlic: Expels intestinal worms and also regulates blood pressure level in the bowels, helping ease pain and pressure of hemorrhoids and piles. Active against fungus and yeasts, as well as bacteria, and cleanses cholesterol from the blood.

Rosehips: Used for infection and cleansing toxins from the body. Adds bulk and stimulates the natural growth of intestinal flora which is very important to the health of the bowels and proper digestion.

Aloe: Aids in healing of lesions in the alimentary canal and of hemorrhoids. Stimulates cell regeneration.

Rhubarb Root: A natural laxative. Helps stimulate the gallbladder and liver, causing the flow of bile. Cleanses and tones the bowels.

Black Walnut Hulls: Kills parasites. Heals and tones inflamed tissues.

Senna Leaves: Stimulates peristaltic action of the lower bowel.

Flax Seed Meal: Helps with inflammation. Contains an oil that lubricates the bowels, to help soften and loosen old fecal matter, making passage of feces easier and smoother. Flax adds bulk and is absorbent, helping carry out the old waste.

Slippery Elm: Absorbs mucous, helps pass it through the intestines. Is very soothing and healing and helps strengthen the alimentary canal.

Ginger: Restores circulation and oxygen on a cellular level. It stimulates the body to aid in removing toxic wastes; is a blood purifier. Removes inflammation from the body. Expels gas. Strong antioxidant effective for sores and wounds.

Marshmallow: Excellent for bleeding piles, inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal. Soothing and healing to inflamed intestinal walls in which the clean healthy mucous coating has been eroded away.

Prunes: Helps naturally with peristaltic motion, softens old fecal matter, aiding in loosening and releasing waste material out of the body.

Our Intestinal Cleanse is an herbal combination that is not only very cleansing, but also nutritious and healing to the digestive system.

Get more information on Intestinal Cleanse

2. Blood & Artery Cleanse Formula

Colon Cleanse and detoxification kit
Used to detoxify the arteries, veins, capillaries and blood vessels. Helps to rid the body of cholesterol, triglycerides, and plaque from the blood and break down calcium deposits and improve circulation. Two thirds of Americans suffer from heart disease. Cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer. Some of the causes may be an abnormal metabolism, over-indulgence in high cholesterol foods and other poor diet habits, poor exercise habits leading to poor circulation, poor bowel habits, and hormone imbalances. These can lead to serious deposits on arterial linings, gallstones, high or low blood pressure, strokes, alzheimer's, blood clots, excessive bleeding, easy bruising, poor circulation, heart failure, etc.

Blood & Artery Cleanse Formula consists of a proprietary, organic herbal-blend of the following cleansing and rebuilding herbs: Hawthorne, Shavegrass, Yucca, Pau D'Arco, Queen of the Meadow, Saffron, Myrrh, Red Clover, Garlic, Clove, and Kelp.

Get more information on Blood & Artery Cleanse Formula

3. Immune System Formula

Immune System Formula
Used to build and detoxify the immune system (lymph, glands and spleen). Helps combat yeast, fever and improve body functions.

Our immune system is our personal defense system that comes charging to the rescue at the first sign of a harmful virus or bacteria. Reduced immunity is the main factor in diseases. These diseases have become the epidemic of our time, and most people don't have very much to fight with. Daily exposure to environmental pollutants, the emotional and excessive stresses of our lifestyles, over processed foods with excessive amounts of chemicals, an overload of antibiotics, immunizations, drugs, and new virus mutations are a challenge to our immune systems. By keeping our bodies clean and well nourished, the immune system will spend its energies rebuilding instead of fighting, and strengthen us instead of constantly gathering resources for defense.

Immune System Formula consists of an organic herbal proprietary blend of the following cleansing and rebuilding herbs and nutrients: Ascorbic Acid - (Vitamin C), Echinacea, Olive Leaf, Yarrow, Golden Seal, Ginseng, Garlic, Astragalus, Pau D'Arco, Angelica, Red Clover, Parsley, Licorice, Pumpkin Seeds, Cayenne, Spirulina, and Thyme.

Get more information on Immune System Formula

4. Psyllium Husks

  • Promotes Regularity
  • Maintains Healthy Cholesterol Levels
  • Supports Heart Health

Psyllium Husks is a natural dietary fiber for promoting regularity and supporting heart health. It holds tremendous health benefits

Get more information on Psyllium



5. Acidophilus Blend

In this day and age, many health problems occur as a direct result from bad diet, improper posture, and high-stress levels. A bad diet does not supply your body the essential nutrients your body does receive. The best path for absorption is the one with the least obstacles. And stress...Well, we all know it's not good, but what you might not know is it drastically effects your digestion, diet, and posture.

  • Nutritionally Supports your Colon and Digestion
  • Naturally soothes your colon and prevent damaging bacteria!
  • Stops colon-related bacterial disease dead in its tracks!
  • Replenishes "Friendly" Bacteria!

Get more information on Acidophulus